May 27, 2006

El Soporte Pasado

Escribo este post al más puro estilo de Wicked-Child (English Version), pero en español ¡para que lo lea mi boreta! Antes de empezar explico el título del post, si escriben "the last stand" en el traductor del dashboard del Tiger OS y le piden la traducción al español obtienen el título del presente post... duh! Ahora sí, a lo importante:

Lo chido
Los efectos especiales, Logan pateando traseros (y nueces una vez), Mystique, Kitty Pride (Ellen Page --> ver post del 13 de mayo).

Lo nalga
La banda sonora definitivamente.

En unas cuantas palabras
Brett Ratner hizo un buen trabajo en la dirección de Xmen 3: The Last Stand, la última parte de la trilogía del comic de Marvel sobre los mutantes que ya muchos conocemos. No era una tarea sencilla para Ratner lograr lo que hizo Bryan Singer con las precuelas de Xmen, sin embargo, me atrevo a decir que salió bien librado, respetó la línea de trabajo de Singer pero se atrevió a plasmar sus ideas y su forma de dirigir, se notan diferencias sustanciales (positivas desde mi punto de vista) respecto a los otros dos filmes, una es que le da importancia a la parte emocional de todos los personajes y la otra es el humor que maneja, un poco más picarón pero nada rolesco -- grotesco --.
Por supuesto, la película es un despliegue mamastroso de efectos especiales, como debe ser un filme de los Xmen, pero la música está para llorar. La trama está bien hecha, cumple su función, te mantiene entretenido.
En resumen, pueden pagar un boleto de cine para verla sin temor a salir pensando que tiraron el dinero.

¡Espero que lo leas y comentes amor!

Anexo trailer para los decidiosos:

May 15, 2006

Silent Hill

News for those mexican gamers who had the courage and wisdom of playing the classic video game Silent Hill, overcame their fears and, eventually became fans.

By now you should know that the movie based on the game has been already released in the States, 3 weeks ago! And here in Mexico "ni sus luces". But don't panic, because, thanks to baby Jesus, it is an upcoming film included for the summer. There is no release date yet, but as soon as they publish it i'll let you know.

For those who have no idea what this movie is about, as well as for the fans too, here is a short synopsis:

A woman named Rose, desperate to find her child Sharon, finds herself trapped in an alternate dimension as she searches for her daughter in a world of decay inhabited by strange beings.

I know it is a very short description but, well, an image can tells us more than a thousand words:

Film webpage:
  • Silent Hill
  • Big Ideas Recorded!

    The song which inspired the name of this blog is a Radiohead's song that has been kicking around for about 10 years but had never been recorded until now. This makes me think of the possibility of listening to it in the new RH album very soon!

    May 13, 2006

    Mouth to Mouth

    This is another film i am interested in, it will be released next friday (May 19th) in New York. The director is Alison Murray, she is an unknown to me, but for what i saw in her webpage, i can say she has done some really interesting short films and stuff i would like to see sometime.

    As for the film, here is the synopsis:
    Sherry (Ellen Page- Hard Candy, X Men 3) is a 15 year old punk kid in London who joins up with a nomadic community of crusty punk activist kids called S.P.A.R.K. (Street People Armed With Radical Knowledge). Sherry adopts the group as her surrogate family, and travels with them across Europe until they eventually squat an old vineyard in Portugal.

    She loses her virginity, and her illusions as well as she gets drawn in and discovers too late that S.P.A.R.K. is actually very cult-like.

    Soon Sherrys' mother Rose (Natasha Wightman - V For Vendetta) tracks her down and attempts to rescue her but gets lured in by Harry the extremely charismatic leader who convinces her that S.P.A.R.K, has more to offer than life as single mother living in London.

    Tensions come to a boil as Harry manipulates the S.P.A.R.K. kids with psychological gameplaying, and brutal punishment. Two deaths ensure the submission of most of the group, but Sherry and her potential lover Mad Ax plan a daring escape.

    This intense psychological drama explores power dynamics and the deficiencies of human nature in an articulate and smart way, and serves as a warning against hierarchy and cult-of-personality.

    I hope that by reading it you have gotten the interest i got in the film, but if it wasn't enough, you can watch the trailer and have a little taste of Murray's complex work as a director.

    The Eraser

    Thom Yorke has just send a message saying there will be a releasing of a new album this july,it is called The Eraser, Nigel Goodrich produced and arranged it, Thom wrote and played it and Stanley Donwood made the cover... Yes! It is a Thom's record! He said that the songs are more beats and electronics and that he had a lot of fun doing it.

    It is something really cool for we, Radiohead fans, because we will have a new RH album and a Thom Yorke record very soon, possibly, before the end of this summer. I personally find myself very excited about this sudden record and i can't wait to listen to it and to the new RH material of course!

    If you doubt about this info you can check the link below:

  • Thom's Message
  • May 12, 2006

    12 and Holding

    I apologize for the time that has passed without me posting, i know you are hungry for Big Ideas but, well, i have been busy with my Thesis. Anyway, i have some posts in stand by that i will be releasing soon. For the moment, this one post it's just so that the spiders don't get the temptation of crafting their webs here and, of course, for the pleasure of talking to you about and interesting movie that will be release on may 19th (in US). The title of this film is Twelve and Holding, here is a sinopsis:

    Twelve and Holding explores the complexities of children losing their innocence and adults struggling to guide them. In the suburbs of America, three close knit 12 year olds -- introverted Jacob (Conor Donovan), precocious Malee (Zoe Weizenbaum) and vulnerable Leonard (Jesse Camacho) -- start down the path of self-discovery and begin to distinguish their own voices from those of their parents. Sparked by the tragic death of Jacob's twin brother, the trio band together as they grapple with feelings of revenge, the burden of grief and the indelible experiences of growing up.

    It's obvious i did not write the paragraph above, i haven't seen the film yet but it got my attention and i'm looking forward to watch it when i get the chance to.

    Here is the trailer:

    May 06, 2006


    The title of this post was suposed to be the title of the blog, but things hardly ever go the way they are planned (many times for the best) like this time. Thus, i like Big Ideas better, that's because it still the essence from Let Down, which was the title for a blog whose objetive was to talk about crappy stuff and to let down people who where interested in such, and i can write about issues with a deeper emotional background in many aspects and in many contexts, such as Iraq's war or the very popular american flag underwear for example.

    I still want to directly let something down:

    If you are from Tabasco, Mexico, and you have the legal age to vote, go ahead and vote, but do not give your vote to one of your two countrymen candidates. One is a rat for sure, the other one i don't know... Should i laugh or cry? He acts like a person who suffers brain damage and yet he can be our president in a couple of months... That's terrifying and it wears me out!

    Now for the people from Monterrey, i know Calderón seems like the right choice but, haven't you notice his fake plastic smile? He gives me the impression that he is hidding something, maybe it's true he is a puppet. Yet he has the possibility of winning the election too.

    Anyway it's just a race of fucking rats! So choose your champion, put it in a cage and vote for the nice lady who is in favor of Mary Jane and abortion.